Category Archives: blog Tour

The Versatile Blogger Award

versatileblogger113Thank you Bette Stevens, my dear author friend at 4writersandreaders blog for nominating me for this lovely award. It’s been a pleasure getting to know you and to follow you in the blogosphere this year. Thank you for finding and following me.

You can find out all about Bette at


Here are the rules for accepting The Versatile Blogger Award

  • Thank the person who gave you this award
  • Include a link to their blog
  • Next, select 8 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly
  • Nominate those 8 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award
  • Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself

Here are my nominees;

Darlene Quinn; Author and Speaker;!

Adrienne Wilkinson; Actress, producer and blogger;

Sally Smith; Writer and Blogger;

An Author Speaks Radio;

Weaver of Words’s Erin Kendall;

B C Brown, Author and Blogger;

Fly High; My Jane Austen Book Club

J. Naomi Ay; Author and blogger

Here are 7 things about me;

1. I went to  7 schools before High School.

2, I sang on Christmas album record when I was 11 years

3. I met the Dali Lama in College.

4. I was a featured player in an episode of the Golden Girls.

5. The story I ever wrote was Greek Myth.

6. I have visited almost all of the Continental US before I was 13 years old.

7. I was in a commercial when I was 5 years old.

Thanks again Bette For nominating me.

Please check out her blog;


Filed under Awards, blog Tour, blogs, books, creative, entertainment, The Versatile Blogger Award

My New Campaign For The Shorty

shorty_badge_300x250_meIt’s that time of year again, time to start my campaign for the Shorty Award. I decided to create a new category. So I need all your help! Please copy the sentence below and tweet it.

I nominate @ for a Shorty Award in  because she has amazing guests!

Thank you so much for your help,


Next week please join us in a chat with Bob Walton and Sal Santoro to chat about their book; Route 66- The People, The Places, 2) Jay, Sal & Bob2 (2)The Dream!  Ride along with Bob and Sal as they have the time of their lives driving a 41 year old convertible coast-to-coast and back including all of historic Route 66. Come join us for a fun chat about these traveling men!

This week Gary Ciesla I chatted about his latest book,The Little Book of Secret Puzzles on Chatting with Sherri. He chatted aboutTheLittleBookOfSecretCodePuzzlesPearlsOfWisdom (2) Rotated Facebook Photo (3)how being a school teacher helped him to create his books. Please listen to the lovely interview;





carlesbad 6Sometimes bad stuff can you lead you to fun. We had to take care of issues with my car and found ourselves in Carlsbad! My First Trip To Carlsbad



xena in office chairXena, the Warrior Kitty had a wonderful time and she tells about in Thanksgiving With My Family



The new issue of Sherri’s Jewel Box will be available very soon! It is about the beauty of silence which is perfect for the winter jewel_3months. Have you ever walked out in the still morning after a snow when there is a chill but not freezing and it is just beautiful and peaceful? The amazing pieces of jewelery for this issue are beautiful and we have great articles and features! Check out this issue it will only be available till  November 30!




My annual Book Fair will be on December 25th so getting your shopping juices ready for last minute books for your friends and schrift 2_whiteBGfamily. My last one was very successful for everyone and everyone had a great time. I already have received some wonderful books from some new authors and return authors from last time.  Please mark it on the calendar to join the fun!





Fantasy Time Inc. was nominated for a Global E-Book Award!  Please check out my books; Fantasy Time Inc. and Murder Inc. are GeBA_Sticker-Nominated-GOLDavailable at both Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Here are the links below;

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Filed under blog book fair, blog Tour, blogs, blogtalk radio, Bob Walton and Sal Santoro, cats, creative, entertainment, events, Fantasy Time Inc, Gary Ciesla, jewels, magazines, shorty awards, The Dream!, writing, xena

The new issue of Sherri’s Jewel Box will be available in one week!

The new issue of Sherri’s Jewel Box will be available in one week! It is about the beauty of silence which is perfect for the winter jewel_3months. Have you ever walked out in the still morning after a snow when there is a chill but not freezing and it is just beautiful and peaceful? The amazing pieces of jewelery for this issue are beautiful and we have great articles and features! Check out this issue it will only be available till  November 30!



On Thursday we had Cinematographer Gerry Williams talk about his life and his work! Gerry is an independent video and GMW-2013 (2)GERRY-2 (2)filmmaker with over twenty-seven years of experience in the motion picture industry. He is also a huge advocate for space travel to Mars! We had a great talk about it all, it was a fun an informative half hour!



Last Tuesday we chatted with author Lawson Brooks to chat about his book,  From The Waist Up! We had an interesting talk about his life in Washington and how he started his passion his new book, From The Waist Up!  In his quest to find his wife’s killer, a DC lobbyist’s evasive behavior and continual missteps places him under a cloud of suspicion despite an iron clad alibi. Union StationPlease listen to this great chat!  Get Your Personally Autographed Copy of From The Waist Up, Now Thru Christmas for Just $9.99! The Book will make a great gift or stocking stuffer for the readers in your life; After the murder of his wife Felix Anderson’s continual missteps cast doubts about his innocence.  Complicating matters are a hefty insurance settlement, a dubious financial transaction and an unpredictable ex-lover.  Trying to stay one step ahead of the Metro PD, Felix is propelled through a series of harrowing events as he tries to find his wife’s killer.

Unleash Someone’s Inner Detective This Holiday Season!larrys cover bigger
​The Mystery Begins Here.  ➞  ​

Rotated Facebook Photo (3)Gary Ciesla chats about his latest book,The Little Book of Secret Puzzles on Chatting with Sherri11/26/2013 TheLittleBookOfSecretCodePuzzlesPearlsOfWisdom (2)10:30AMPT




wallpaper_sundayNYwcIt’s really interesting what depth can come out of movie you have seen a few too many times, that is what I found when I was looking at  Sex in Sunday In The Park! via @wordpressdotcom




My annual Book Fair will be on December 25th so getting your shopping juices ready for last minute books for your friends and schrift 2_whiteBGfamily. My last one was very successful for everyone and everyone had a great time. I already have received some wonderful books from some new authors and return authors from last time.  Please mark it on the calendar to join the fun!




Fantasy Time Inc. was nominated for a Global E-Book Award!  Please check out my books; Fantasy Time Inc. and Murder Inc. are GeBA_Sticker-Nominated-GOLDavailable at both Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Here are the links below;

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Filed under blog book fair, blog Tour, blogs, blogtalk radio, creative, entertainment, Fantasy Time Inc, jewels, magazines, movies, Uncategorized, writing

Some Good Stuff Coming

schrift 2_whiteBGI have some really great things coming up. I have some events and interviews that I am so excited about. The first event will be my book fair called; Sherri’s Second Blog Book Fair; Sunday April 28, 2013 at 11:00am to 5:00pm. It is so exciting to have another book fair. I am going to make it very interactive this time. I have some wonderful authors taking part in my book fair. As we get closer I will let you know who will be taking part in my events such as a raffle, an e-book autograph hour and a Q & A hour for any author who would like to take part. So cool, I can’t wait!
Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000030_00040]
authorphoto (2)This Tuesday we will have another amazing author Jeff Gunhus and his new  book; Jack Templar and the Monster Hunter Academy. After barely surviving the onslaught of monsters that tried to kill him the day before his fourteenth birthday, Jack Templar leaves his hometown on a quest to rescue his father and discover the truth about his past. I am really looking forward to talking to him!

51Ph+ERcH1L._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_SX240_SY320_CR,0,0,240,320_SH20_OU01_I had lovely chat with Cheryl E. Hill who is a retired librarian, she wrote a children’s book called R is for Reading Books. It is an ABC picture book to teach children how to read by familiarizing them with the letters of the alphabet corresponding with names of favorite children’s books.  , here is a direct link where you can view right now: New Today: “R Is For Reading Books” by Cheryl Hill.
Here is a direct link if you’re interested in viewing;





I have MV5BMTQzMzA5MzAyNV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzkxOTIzMQ@@._V1_SY317_CR51,0,214,317_to tell you I had such a fun time with Producer/Writer Paul Jackson we an animated talk  about how to write for TV  and his experiences in writing for the medium. I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I enjoyed  chatting with him live. He is best known for such shows as Sliders, Lois & Clark and Briscoe County Jr. but he has some really exciting projects coming up, one of them with Stan Lee for an animated film. Sounds really exciting, listen in;


I do have a yahoo group for fans and followers of Chatting with Sherri. I will do updates and on the site. Please join in the fun!





This week I have an author interview with: BERNADETTE WALSH who has published four novels to date (The House on Prospect droppedImage(Echelon Press) and Gold Coast Wives (Lyrical Press)) and the first two books of her paranormal series, Devil’s Mountain — Book One of the Devlin Legacy and Devil’s Shore — Book Two of the Devlin Legacy. Here is what she had to say;

What was the first book you remember loving? Do you still own it?

I was an avid reader as a child and there were sooo many books I loved. The Nancy Drew series and the Anne of Green Gables books were favorites when I was young. As I got older I loved Jane Eyre — I must’ve read it at least twenty times — and don’t get me started on Wuthering Heights.  I think from a young age I was attracted to stories about strong young girls. Now as a writer, I write about strong women.

My parents moved to Florida when I was in my twenties and living in a tiny apartment in Manhattan, so all of my childhood books were thrown out. But I just downloaded all of the Anne of Green Gables books and am looking forward to catching up with these old friends.

 What kind of books do you like to read? Do those books have an effect on your own writing?

I read everything it feels like. I probably read more books with female rather than male protagonists. I loved books by women Irish writers. If I could write like anyone it would be the Irish writer Claire Keegan–her short stories are so lyrical they are almost like poetry. I read Gone Girl recently which I enjoyed. I love Tana French, although I usually don’t like crime fiction, but her stories have so much depth I feel they go beyond the genre. I also like the Sookie Stackhouse books for when I need a paranormal fix.

When I’m writing fiction I tend to avoid reading fiction because I find it interferes with my “voice”.  I tend to read kind of nutty non-fiction like How to Spot a Sociopath and books about fundamentalist Morman sects — not that I’m proud of it 🙂

Do you remember what is the first book that touched you deeply?

I remember reading Gone With the Wind in the seventh grade and becoming completely obsessed with it.

Is there an era of writing that affects you? 1920, 1800’s so forth?

I can’t think of any.

Where do you like to write? Is there a favorite nook or corner?

I write anywhere where I have five minutes to spare. So that means on the Long Island Rail Road, my daughter’s dance class, in the early morning before the family wakes up. I can block out just about any sound, so I don’t need a “special place.”

Do you prefer one genre to another?

Devil_s-Daughter-mockup-1 (2)I prefer to write stories with strong female protagonists. That has led me to write humorous contemporary romances, family sagas and a four book paranormal romance series about a family of Irish witches (The Devlin Legacy books). While I’ve hopped around genres my books are basically about women dealing with whatever life throws at them the best way they can.

  Do you like the feel of a book in your hands or do prefer an electronic devises?

I’m a complete convert to e-readers and have three!

Can you tell us about what your working on now?

After finishing the fourth book in The Devlin Legacy series, I am taking a break from paranormal. I have started Cold Spring, a The Devlin Witch final 300dpi (2)family saga about an Irish-American family on Long Island–write what you know, right!

Bernadette is also the host of NICE GIRLS READING NAUGHTY BOOKS on blogtalkradio where she discusses romance novels with reader, writers and members of the publishing industry. http://www.blogtalkradio.comDevil_s-Shore-mockup-3 (2)/bernadettewalsh
Devil’s Mountain (Devlin Legacy #1)  is available at;



All Romance eBooks

Till Next Time…

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Filed under blog book fair, blog Tour, blogs, blogtalk radio, creative, entertainment, screenwriting, tv, Uncategorized, writing

Second Book Fair is coming!

IMG_9195My second book fair is coming to computer or cell phone near you.  I am really looking forward to it and so are the other authors who are taking part. I will have a raffle again and some other treats, including an e-book autograph hour and a Q and A hour for any author who would like to take part.   So please join the Facebook group and let me know what you think. Please check it out;

FTI2We had a great autograph party! We had a lot of great questions and a fun time. I am always trying to find new ways to get out there and to think outside of the box. Here was my way of doing that and it was a great time for everyone! Here is the link to by my e-book; and here is the link to get the book auto-graphed; if you would still like to have your copy of my e-book edition of Fantasy Time Inc. signed. It was so much fun I may have another one! What do you think?

KJAlibrary (2)On Tuesday evening I got to stop by one of Kevin J Anderson stops for his national book tour! He was really fun and entertaining. I had already decided to get Unnatural Acts but now I think I want to get two other books as well. He really was a wonderful speaker and he even gave us gifts! I also got to see the prototype of his and Steven Sears graphic Novel Stalag-X, it was so beautiful. I was there with my brother and we thought it was an amazing book. I can’t wait to get that too! Please check out this link and see all the other stops he will be making.

TheUndergroundFtCover (2)

This Tuesday we will have the lovely Roxanne Bland is a writer who is fascinated by words. She started 705b93cf6f940ad8956ef6.L._V375669165_SY470_writing by penning a piece of fan fiction, but soon abandoned it as her first book, The Underground, developed. While a paranormal revolution looms on the horizon, Parker, a beleaguered alpha werewolf, is locked in a bitter love triangle with Garrett, his mage ex-lover, and Kurt, his despised vampire overlord. In trying to deal with his predicament, Parker falls for Melera, an amnesic space alien, who may—or may not—be a serial killer.

Till Next Time…

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Filed under blog book fair, blog Tour, blogs, blogtalk radio, creative, events, writing

New Things Popping Up All The Time!

coverNew things are popping up all the time, one of them is something my friend and author Bette Stevens told me about,  autographs for e-books.  I was a bit cynical about it but after checking it out I found out it was a really good and reputable service. It also is free. I was so pleased by it I decided to sign up for it. So if you would like to get your e-book of Fantasy Time Inc. personally signed by me including a special message you can. Here is the link;


schrift 2_whiteBG

Also I did the blog tour called; THE NEXT BIG THING BLOG HOP it is about my memoir called; Entering The Second Half. It is a look back at my life, and all of my adventures as a student, an actress, a travel agent, a fan, a  blogger and a Blogtalk radio host. It will hopefully be out next year. Here is the link to the blog tour;  via wordpressdotcom


51yC-v4KCbL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_SX240_SY320_CR,0,0,240,320_SH20_OU01_My guest this Tuesday is author Burt Berlowe who will chat about his book;The Compassionate Rebel Revolution: Ordinary People Changing the World.   In this compassionate rebel sequel, we look at how millions of individual citizen actions have collectively become a massive social change movement that offers every person a chance to make a difference in the world; 



I had so much fun with my guest this week on  Chatting With Sherri  the amazing, Times Bestselling Author, Kevin J. KJAlibrary (2)Anderson.  We talked about how he became involved with the new DUNE series of books,and cover UNNATURAL ACTS (2)about how honored and proud he was to Co-Write  STAR WARS: JEDI ACADEMY for George Lucas,  And of course about his long time friend and Co-writer Steven Sears (Co-Excutive Producer and Writer for Xena, Warrior Princess) for the graphic novel STALAG-X and hinted that he might be able to talk him into both of them doing an interview with me when their graffic-novel comes out(cross fingers and toes.) We chatted about his upcoming  national book tour;  and that I may get to go to one of his stops! I can’t wait! We also of course spoke of his novels; HELLHOLE AWAKENING and UNNATURAL ACTS!  Please listen at;


My e-magazine this month is doing really well. I would love to expand but I can’t afford to yet. So keep your fingers jewel_3crossed that a generous angel will come into my path. This issue of Sherri’s Jewel Box is the best yet with new designer and new beautiful pieces! This one is all about love and is called Love Is All Around! It is about love and the Myth of Valentines Day.  For both history  lovers, Jewel Lovers, and the lovers of design this is the issue for you. Here is the link;



Till next time…

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Filed under blog Tour, blogs, blogtalk radio, creative, entertainment, jewels, movies, Uncategorized, writing


schrift 2_whiteBGI decided to do this Blog Tour because I am writing my first important piece of Non Fiction which is my own memoir. It is so different from writing fiction. I had to check my diaries, resumes, and pictures to make sure I have it all straight. So I thought since this is all new to me, I decided to give it a bit of a lift. So here I am…
My writer friend, Bette Stevens  tagged me 41ba7da122e90ac1d188ba.L._V401949537_SX200_for this “chain blog.” It’s a little like a chain letter, except that it’s only focus is what authors are working on right now.  All I have to do is answer a few questions about by current work-in-progress and invite other authors to do the same. I’ve chosen authors; Mata Raa  and Reza Mashayekhi. They’ll be posting their updates next week. Follow along and be the first to get the scoops!utf-8''P1040876 (2)

 Reza Mashayekhi site is at;

Here is my interview about my new baby;
authorWhat is the working title of your next book? 
Entering The Second Half.
Where did the idea come from for the book?IMG_9195
I was listening to young 30 somethings worry about aging and I was thinking about all I have gone through at my age. I remembered when I was in my thirties and  how I never gave thought to plastic surgery and yet that is exactly the reality for young women today. So i started to write it all down and I realized I had a book, my first work of non-fiction.
What genre does your book fall under?
Memoir, non-fiction.


barnes and noble signing
What actors would you choose to play the part of your characters in a movie rendition? 
No idea, since it is my life 🙂
What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
It is a memoir of the first half of my life, all the interesting people and places I have seen.
view of beach from where I sat
Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
No idea yet.
How long did it take you to write the first draft of the manuscript?
A year and a half.
What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
It is my life story so I don’t think I can compare it with anyone else it is my journey.
What else about the book might pique the reader’s interest?
I have worked and met some of the most interesting and famous people in the world.
Who or what inspired you to write this book.
Don’t laugh but Kim Kardashian. She was all worried about turning thirty and actually got plastic surgery.I realized that the young are obsessed with not becoming old. I had associates at my office ask me if I had any plastic surgery, I answered that no I never had elective plastic surgery. I did have corrective plastic surgery on my ears when I was 13yrs old to remove to huge cysts on the back of my ears.
It was also because I hit what I felt was a brick wall. For the first time in my life I felt old when I hit fifty. I started to write in my diary what I had accomplished in my first fifty years and I realized I had lived a pretty good and interesting life. So I started to play with an idea of  novel. I had to fight with myself because I had always been a fiction girl but I finally decided it might be interesting.
Please stay tuned to my regular writing blog for more on this memoir when I get closer to publishing I will give you a bit more.

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Filed under acting, blog Tour, blogs, creative, entertainment, movies, tv, Uncategorized, writing

Great Interview This Week!

KJAlibrary (2)I am so excited that my guest on Tuesday for Chatting With Sherri              cover UNNATURAL ACTS (2)                               is the amazing, Times Bestselling Author, Kevin J. Anderson. He is the Co-Writer of the new DUNE series of books, Co-Creator of STAR WARS: JEDI ACADEMY for George Lucas, Co-Writer with Steven Sears (Co-Excutive Producer and Writer for Xena, Warrior Princess) for the graphic novel STALAG-X, He is going on a national book tour. He will chat about that and his novels; HELLHOLE AWAKENING and UNNATURAL ACTS!




6458081The lovely author Christine Hannon chatted about her novel; A Hairdressers Diary on my show this 15794357week. In her novel you will read things about hairdressing you may have never imagined. You might even look at your hairdresser in a whole new light  after reading this book. Come sit in her virtual chair and enjoy the ride



schrift 2_whiteBGauthorI have entered another blog tour called; THE NEXT BIG THING BLOG HOP. I will be posting on March 1st. My friend, fellow author and blogger Bette Stevens did her blog yesterday. Here is the link;  . Anyone who would like to follow me with their blog the following week please let me know This Blog Tour will be about new books that you have on the horizon. My link will be at later today, please check it out.


jewel_3Sherri’s Jewel Box is best with new designer and new beautiful pieces. This one is all about love and is called Love Is All Around! It is about love and the Myth of Valentines Day.  For both history  lovers, Jewel Lovers, and the lovers of design this is the issue for you. Here is the link;

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Filed under blog Tour, blogs, blogtalk radio, creative, entertainment, movies, screenwriting, tv, Uncategorized, writing

Another Blog Tour

schrift 2_whiteBGI have entered another blog tour called; THE NEXT BIG THING BLOG HOP. I will be posting on March 1st. My friend, fellow author and blogger Bette Stevens did her blog yesterday. Here is the link;  . Anyone who would like to follow me with their blog the following week please let me know 🙂 This Blog Tour will be about new books that you have on the horizon.


Well I did not win the Shorty Award I came in pretty far back. If it’s ok to quote many people tomorrow night, it is an honor shorty_badge_300x250_mejust to be nominated. The good thing is that people do enjoy my blogs and they voted for me. So I thank everyone who voted for me. I truly appreciate it.




157943576458081Author Christine Hannon will join us to chat about her novel; A Hairdressers Diary. In her novel you will read things about hairdressing you may have never imagined. You might even look at your hairdresser in a whole new light  after reading this book. Come sit in her virtual chair and enjoy the ride




I very mprofile (2)uch enjoyed talking to the very talented author Carrie Carr.We spoke of fan fiction, writing novels and reading. It13410305 was a fun interview.  She is writer of one of my favorite series; The Lex & Amanda series. Her latest is a stand alone novel entitled, Hearts Resolve .

heartsresolve_big (2)



We had a special second episode of Chatting With Sherri this week with the charming Kerry Dunn. We chatted about his 16d93cf68ed20ad8976fec.L._V148649795_SX200_first  novel, Joe Peace.  The novel Joe Peace; is a gallows-humored tale of revenge and redemption with noir-like dialogue and along with action, suspense and soul .

As an extra treat he is my special interview this week for my blog. Read below for more of what makes Kerry tick and to buy his latest book.

 What was the first book you remember loving? Do you still own it? 

That would have to be John Kennedy Toole’s “A Confederacy of Dunces”.  I read it in high school, and while I’ve always been a big reader (though I have been trying to lose weight), this was the first novel I read that was so far out of my normal range it might as well have been checked out of a library on Neptune.  But man, I love that book.  Ignatius Reilly is the greatest character of twentieth century fiction (you heard me, Gatsby) – its most original, most attractively repellent creation.  I always have a copy near for when I need a laugh or a moment of singular awe.


 What kind of books do you like to read? Do those books have an effect on your own writing?

 I read at least two books a week, on average.  I like a good detective story and murder mysteries, though I’ve read so many of them I come across a lot of predictable situations that make me lose interest.  I enjoy history, so I’m always searching for a topic there that will keep me entertained.  I just read Kurt Eichenwald’s detailed account of the Enron collapse, “Conspiracy of Fools”, and even though I don’t know a margin from short-sale, I loved it.  And I love to laugh, so I always keep a Tim Dorsey or early Carl Hiassen (before he got preachy) novel around.  But I usually come back to my tried-and-trues:  Don Winslow, Raymond Chandler, Elmore Leonard, James Lee Burke.  Those cats never fail to keep my interest, and I’ve probably taken more from them than I will ever realize, just by reading them so much.


 Do you remember what is the first book that touched you deeply? 

The one that killed me, absolutely put me in a box, was “Lonesome Dove”.  When Gus dies at the end, I felt like I was right there in that little room with he and Call.  Just floored me.  I was so invested in every character in that book it felt like I was related to these fictional creations.  The losses hit me hard. I think I even sent flowers to Montana or something.


 Is there an era of writing that affects you? 1920, 1800’s so forth? 

The noir novels of the thirties and forties are great, but I’m a fan of modern language, that patois great writers in the field can create, hip street poetry.  Older books, say, from the nineteenth century, are too wordy and overflow with so much exposition I feel the need to find the plunger.  I’m not a total heathen – I love Shakespeare and John Donne’s plays and poetry, respectively.  But my attention will always be drawn to the immediacy of the brief sentence and terse dialogue.


  Where do you like to write? Is there a favorite nook or corner? 

I sit up in my bed, with a portable writing desk and the laptop, and with my iPod set to a jazz playlist.  I can’t write with any lyrics going on behind me, but Miles and Coltrane and Oscar Peterson are huge assets.


 Do you prefer one genre to another?

I love noir, with characters of questionable morals or intentions, strong women, interesting bad guys, and world-weary observations about alcohol and the human condition.


  Do you like the feel of a book in your hands or do prefer an electronic devises?

I love “real” books, but I have to admit, electronic devices like my Nook are great.  I’m about 50/50 on the whole topic.  I think as long as I can read it, I’d adapt to a novel if it was written on the walls of a cave.


 Can you tell us about what your working on now? 

A sequel to “Joe Peace”.  I figured, nobody’s ever done a sequel, so I realize I’m pushing the envelope, but that’s where I live.  Right on the edge.  Joe isn’t fully reformed by the end of the first one.  The next novel may or may not 13628787take him a step closer to that.

To get a copy of Kerry Dunn’s novel Joe Peace; .

Till next time…

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Filed under blog Tour, blogs, blogtalk radio, creative, entertainment, fan fiction, shorty awards, Uncategorized, writing

Chatting on…

Cover 200x300 (2)This week I spoke to Will Merrill about 9/11 called “Ordinary People: Extraordinary Heroes;” It really touched me as I heard the stories that Will told about the after effects of that violent act against 200x300 (2)innocent people. It was the most serious and important of the interviews I have had so far. I have had a lot of fun talking to my guests about their projects and I think they have enjoyed it too. This was the first time I was so touched by the subject.  I enjoyed talking to Will who is a kind and gentle man. He also talks about this with passion and a great need to communicate what happened to real people during a horrible time and the affect on them both emotionally and physically. I was choked up a couple of times during the interview, It was fascinating, compelling and full of important information. Please listen to the interview; It is a very important one. Below are the links for his book;

Amazon’s site;


Barnes and Noble;
IP_-_Final_copySpeaking of heroes I need to let you all know about this;  FREE ebooks to U.S. Military members. Throughout the month of December, authors Gary Williams and Vicky Wood Knerly are opening up their library of e-books FREE to all Wounded Warriors, active duty and retired U.S. military personnel. It is their way of saying “Thank You!” for your commitment, service and the sacrifices that you have made for your country. Click on the link below and feel free to share this free offer with family and friends so that we can get the word out to our military serving both at home and abroad. Happy Holidays!   
41ba7da122e90ac1d188ba.L._V401949537_SX200_Next week I will have the lovely Bette Stevens about her book about her wonderful children’s booka new AMAZING MATILDA Cover(Thumbl) 200x260 (2) Amazing Matilda; A Monarch’s tale. An inspirational tale of a Monarch butterfly and her meadowland friends. She is a lovely and talented lady so I am really looking forward to chatting with her.
Last week I took part in a blog tour for my book, Fantasy Time Inc. Two of my writing buddies Sarah Baethge;  and Gabe Beyers; did the blog tour this week.  I can’t tell you how much I love new and exciting ways to promote our books. In a world that is media driven it is
surprisingly hard to get the word out and sell your books. This was a great way to do it. So I want to thank Tracy Kaufman;  for inviting me to take part in this exciting adventure!
My next exciting adventure I am doing all on my own. I am going to have an on-line Blog Book Fair on Christmas Day. I thought it pic with bookwould be a unique way to showcase not only my two books but other authors that have become friends through interviewing and social media.  I will have raffles for free books through out the day. Please check the top of the page for those books on Dec. 25th. So come and browse all the authors that will be featured and buy a nice late present for the holidays. Or a little something for yourself!
11985168My latest review of a new book is Get Real! Fighting the Mythic Woman Finding Your Authentic Self
by Ananya S. Rajan on Goodreads can be found at; . I really enjoyed this book very much and learned a lot from it.
My writer interview this week is with M.M. Frye, Please give her a gentle welcome;

 What was the first book you remember loving? Do you still own it?Missy-Promo-Shot-200x (2)

The Large and Growly Bear and yes I do still own it.

 What kind of books do you like to read? Do those books have an affect on your own writing?

I like all genres. I tend to get tired of trends and like to mix things up. I’m not sure if they affect my writing. When I write, I’m not thinking of anything but the story.

 Do you remember what is the first book that touched you deeply?

The book was called Alabama Moon and it was part of the Harlequin for teens back in early 80s. I can’t remember the author’s name and really don’t remember much about the story, but I can still recall how it made me feel.

 Is there an era of writing that affects you? 1920, 1800’s so forth?

I like historical books more than contemporary, though I read both. As to a favorite era, I’m not sure. If the story is good, I don’t think I really mind what era the setting is. I like the WWII era because there are so many factors that can contribute to stories. I like to get emotional punches while I’m reading.

 Where do you like to write? Is there a favorite nook or corner?

I have to be at my desk to write. When I sit in front of my computer, it triggers something in my brian that says it’s time to work. I’ve never had a laptop though. If I did, I might find another place to let my creativity flow.

Do you prefer one genre to another?

I like fantasy and sci-fi and tend to steer away from formulaic romance. Don’t get me wrong I like romance, but prefer it to be a subplot. I’ve read more books in the young adult genre this year than anything else, but my favorite books range from Christian fiction to literary fiction.

Do you like the feel of a book in your hands or do prefer an electronic devises?

I like holding a book in my hands and the feel of the paper as I turn the pages. I’ve read using electronic devices, but nothing beats a real book.

 Can you tell us about what your working on now?

I’m currently working on the second draft of a women’s fiction novel. It’s called The Widows of Wyatt Abney. “Yancy and Beth lost a great love when Wyatt Abney died. When they meet again twenty-five years later they throw their families into turmoil and along the way discover whether they’ve truly moved on or merely moved forward.”

Her website address is;
Till next time…

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