Category Archives: screenwriting

So many things happening, so little time…

I’m very excited to let you know these shows from the beginnig of the year has cracked over 1 million downloads for Chatting With Sherri so far this year;
Melissa Good (author)
Travis Mcmahon (actor)          
Production Team for Crypt of Tears 
Brice Bexter (actor)
Adrienne Wilkenson  (actor)
TJ Scott (TV and Film director)
Shaene Siders (Screenwriter/author)
Michael Strider (Photographer)


It’s coming out soon, I can’t wait to see it! I am so proud to be part of; Xena: Their Courage Changed Our World which is a book dedicated to the Xenaverse! It’s due on Xena’s 25th Anniversary September 04, 2020. Fan Fiction and beyond. For more info about the book go to:


This is a bit different it is an Interview from chatting with sherri. As well as the reprise from sherri’s playhouse for my radio play about my family’s origins.

Then Sherri’s Playhouse reprises my tiny radio play called Dowry ; It is another combo interview and performance it reprises my radio play about my family origins in Mishpucha ;


Chatting With Sherri welcomes back author Mitzi Szereto to talk about what is going on the world and her new book about True Crimes, her third book is about; The Best New True Crime Stories: Small Towns offers all-new accounts from today’s finest writers of true crime, crime fiction, and beyond. ;    






Chatting With Sherri welcomes award-nominated author; Piper Mejia we chatted about her books, her nomination for awards and how Covid is affecting her and her family;



Chatting With Sherri welcomes new author; Verna Cyril we chatted about how long it took to write her new baby, what she was inspired by and how she feels about her first step toward her dream of writing;



Chatting With Sherri welcomes back Vampire Diaries actor; Drew Stephenson, we had a fun chat about movies, TV, his dreams of acting and how he would like to create great new parts to perform  ;





Chatting With Sherri welcomes award-winning screenwriter/producer Tom Blomquist; we had such a fun chat, the man wrote some of my favorite tv shows, including Christy and Riptide, we talked about his novel and what inspired it, and we talked about classic films, one of my favorite topics;





On Tuesday; Chatting With Sherri chats with the cast of Dimness from Sherri’s Playhouse, the cast and I chatted about the new play, how they enjoyed working together as cast and how they enjoy working with people all over the world.  How it brings a sense of normalcy to their lives;



Chatting With Sherri welcomes back best selling author; David Farland  8/6/20 1pm pt:




Chatting With Sherri welcomes back photographer; Ian L. Sitren  on  8/11/20 at  1pm pt;  




Chatting With Sherri welcomes back Screenwriter/Producer/Author Brooks Wachtel on 8/13/20 at 1pm pt;    






Generations by Rithebard – Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries, Ms Fisher’s MODern Murder Mysteri… 

A visitor to Wardlow surprises Jane.

Jack and Phryne working on the case.

Little Ivy’s first day of school. 

Well, i haven’t posted for a while so I thought I’d bring you on a ride through some time travel. 


A Presumption of Death (Lord Peter Wimsey/Harriet Vane, #2)A Presumption of Death by Jill Paton Walsh

I have enjoyed all the books of the series written by Jill Paton Walsh but I have to say this is the weakest one. I figured out who did it about halfway through the book. Unlike Gaudy Night, where Harriet was very interesting through the first half of the book and in this one I truly missed both Peter and Bunter. Once they show up things pick up and it become very enjoyable but it is more then half way through and that was really hard on the reader.

I won’t tell how they showed up or where or why because that would be spoilers but they were very enjoyable reunions. I do like the way that Ms Walsh writes all the characters she really understands them and I feel that Dorothy Sayers is there in spirit but I am sorry of the books she had written this book is not my favorite because of the plot and really the lack of the zing in the story line. (I do love all the others she wrote so I am being extremely honest here.)

View all my reviews

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Filed under "Xena: Their Courage Changed Our World" , acting, Adrienne Wilkinson, Arielle Strauss, blogs, blogtalk radio, books, Brice Bexter, Brooks Wachtel, Captain Templeton, Chatting With Sherri, creative, Deb Cox, Di Jack Robinson, Dowry, Drew Stephenson, Emily McKnight, Emily Who, entertainment, fan fiction, Fandom, Fiona Eagger and Deb Cox, Ian L Sitren , Interviews, j'nae Rae Spano, Junior Paul, Lucy MacLaren, Mary D Brooks, Melissa Good, Michael Strider, Mishpucha, Miss Fisher & the Crypt of Tears, Miss Fisher Murder Mysteries Fan Fiction, Mitzi Szereto, movies, photographer, Photos, Phryne Fisher, plays, radio play, Ray Dafrico, Raymond Brent, reviews, Robert J Sawyer, screenwriting, Shaene Siders, Sherri's Playhouse, The Dowry, theater, TJ Scott, Tony Tilse, Travis McMahon, tv, Verna Cyril, writing, xena, Xena Courage That Changed The World

Latest articles, reviews and interviews…

Women of the Silent Film Era: Alice Guy Blaché


  This is more of a fan gush, then a review, can’t help it, I love the show; An Exploration of Miss Fisher and The Crypt of Tears;

Latest reprises of radio plays;

Sherri’s Playhouse reprise; Never Again  available still in archive;

Sherri’s Playhouse reprises; A Heavenly Hand available still in archive;

Next time on Chatting With Sherri;

Chatting With Sherri welcomes Sci Fi Bulletin editor/publisher; Paul Simpson; June 2, 2002 at 1pm pt;




Chatting With Sherri welcomes charming and talented actor; Joshua Charles Dawe; on 6/4/20 at 1pm pt;




Last time on Chatting With Sherri;

Chatting With Sherri welcomed author Quinn Barrett we chatted about her meditation book, and how anyone can meditate;





Chatting With Sherri welcomed award winning author; Katie Livingston; we talked about biographies and self help books and winning for her first short story in the Writers of the Future Award!




Chatting With Sherri welcomed author Leah Ning, we talked about books, writing and winning for her short story in the Writers of the Future Award;




Chatting With Sherri welcomed author; T Novan  we talked about writing novels, fan fiction, the importance of Xena in our lives and our beloved Mary Dee;





Chatting With Sherri welcomed author Paul Wheaton about his book; Building A Better World In Your Backyard, Instead Of Being Angry At Bad Guys ;




Origin (Robert Langdon, #5)Origin by Dan Brown

This was a really great book but it was also a very troubling book. It was a fun adventure with places I have never even thought about visiting and artists I have never heard of, that part of it was so much fun! I really loved the characters in this book and Robert Langdon’s relationships with them. I love art but like Robert I have been a fan of few modern artists, there are some, because I feel I understand them, but to be truly honest some I will never understand. He introduced to me places I have never been, like Spain, and literature I had never even heard of, as always it was a page turner and it was exciting. And that part of it was so much fun!

The way I feel about Religion and Science is very close to Robert’s that they care deeply about the world around us but they are just going about it differently. I am open to AI, and I found Winston very charming and an interesting character. I am not going to spoil it, but I found parts of the book very disturbing, and I stayed up nights since I read it worrying over it. I am that type of person and I really appreciate Dan Brown opening the conversation and bringing up these very, very important issues especially at this time. I think this is his best book and yet as I said before I felt it is very disturbing at the same time.

More Than Love: An Intimate Portrait of My Mother, Natalie WoodMore Than Love: An Intimate Portrait of My Mother, Natalie Wood by Natasha Gregson Wagner

I have loved Natalie Wood since I was a small child. I saw her on talk shows in the 70’s with Robert Wagner who I also adore, or by herself. She was always funny, intelligent and adorable. She was my favorite actress as kid (I wanted to be an actress, not many brunettes for a brunette who wanted to be an actress to look up to, she was also extremely talented.) My favorite movies are Cash McCall and Love With a Proper Stranger. She was also great in comedy and I adored her in Sex and The Single Girl and Bob, Carol, Ted and Alice. In other words I am a fan.

When Natalie was going to be in Anastasia in LA at the Music Center I was so excited, I squealed when we got the postcard advertising it. (I still have it somewhere.) I lived at home, I was going to college and working but I knew I did not have enough money to go to the play and pay my bills, My Dad promised to get them for the whole family when they came on the market.

Of course that was not to be. I was so stunned when I heard what happened, and heart broken. It is hard to explain, I never met her, or even got a glimpse of her in person.

When all the speculation started with her sister Lana I was shocked, it was obvious she didn’t like Robert Wagner in her book, (which I did read) but she never accused him of anything like she did later. When she accuse him, I was very angry. I am a life long murder mystery fan and what she and the ship’s captain said happened, had way too many holes in it, it made no sense.

I was so excited to read Natasha Gregson Wagner book, I saw the advertisement for it after I saw her HBO special, Natalie Wood, What Remains Behind. I loved all the stuff about Natalie’s life in the documentary, her career and family life. It was beautiful. At the end, I was nodding my head and agreeing with her and the people she was interviewing, they knew best, everyone else in blogs and podcasts are just speculating. The biggest thing for me was that Christopher Walken and Robert Wagner didn’t really like each other and were not friends, why would Christopher back him up, if it was a lie, so I knew that all this fodder was just trumped up stuff, to make money. So sad. And unfair.

So I bought the book, it was very good, it is very hard to write the dark side of your life, the hard stuff for you to grapple with and to do it for the public, wow! I think Nastasha did a great job and she obviously researched her Mom’s life very thoroughly. She is so lucky to have so much, I treasure the pieces I have my parents, I don’t have as much as she does but the bits and pieces are precious. I felt so bad as I read how she had desperately wanted to keep her parents home, that she was scared something would happen to them and then when it did, her life just spiraled.

I also noticed as I read all the things that Lana had wrong, dates that things happened, the bust of James Dean disappearing, (obliviously not true, it was right there in storage,) even what Natalie was wearing on that last Thanksgiving. Also Natasha explaining her attitude to two tiny kids who just lost their Mom, her sister was cold and cruel. It made me realize her book was not true at all.

I love the happy ending for Natalie’s kids though, they deserve it. And I really hope people stop talking about her passing and focus on what great actress she was, maybe even have a Natalie Wood Film Festival. That would be so cool.

Thank you Natasha, from one daughter to another.

View all my reviews



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Filed under A Heavenly Hand, acting, Alice Guy Blaché, Anthony Sharpe, Arielle Strauss, art, Ashleigh Cummings, Awards, Bert, blogs, blogtalk radio, books, Brice Bexter, Captain Templeton, Charles Bennison, Chatting with Sherri, creative, Dan Brown, Deb Cox, Di Jack Robinson, Elizabeth Gracen, entertainment, Essie Davis, fan fiction, Fandom, Fiona Eagger and Deb Cox, flapper films, flapper press, Interviews, Izabella Yena, j'nae Rae Spano, Junior Paul, Kerry Greenwood, Lucy MacLaren, Mary D Brooks, Miss Fisher & the Crypt of Tears, Miss Fisher Murder Mysteries, movies, Natalie Wood by Natasha Gregson Wagner, Nathan Page, Never Again, Nicholoas Davidge, Origin, Palm Springs Film Festival, Phryne Fisher, plays, radio play, Raymond Brent, reviews, robert wagner, Rupert Penry-Jones, screenwriting, Sherri Rabinowitz, Sherri's Playhouse, Steven L Sears, theater, Tony Tilse, Travis McMahon, tv, Ty Pickett, writers of the future, writing, Xena Courage That Changed The World

Sherri’s Playhouse, Chatting With Sherri and Reviews

Happy Sixth Anniversary to my all my actors, playwrights and listeners for Sherri’s Playhouse!!!!!! Thank you everyone!!!!

Here are some of the shows from Sherri’s Playhouse, I thought during this time of isolation you might like a little free entertainment.
Let me know if you would like some more;

Cat’s Pajamas:

A Widgie Knight;

Murder At Home;




Tomorrow on Chatting With Sherri we welcome the production team of Miss Fisher and The Crypt Of Tears 4/05/20 at 7pm pacific time; 





I am so happy to have welcomed back the talented & charming; Adrienne Wilkinson! Adrienne  is a wonderfully talented actress best known as Xena’s daughter Eve/Livia on Xena Warrior Princess.   Adrienne and I chatted  about her new adventures, her hobbies and new projects; including her new movies; DREAMCATCHER, BURNING DOG

Her charity raffle: 


 RAVE VIP:  for video fan meet & greets and for  coaching/consulting:

  Her radio show; SUSPENSE  –

The MOB; 3 full seasons, hundreds of actors interviewed for her little web series;  

season 1:

Season 2:

season 3:–Cpoa




Chatting With Sherri chatted with talented artist Echo Chernik  we talked about her art, how the artistic community is handling the health crisis and about being charge of Illustrations for the Writers and Illustrators of the Future Award;



Chatting With Sherri welcomed back actor/writer/director; Eric Erickson, we talked about being a creative stuck at home during the lockdown of the health crisis, his new films including truth and creativity in diversity ;



I was so excited to welcome back the diverse and talented actor,Travis McMahon, we talked about slipping his hat back on as Bert in Miss Fisher and The Crypt of Tears, his new film Rams and how he feels about current lockdown, the health crisis and trying his hand at writing a script ;


We chatted with award winning artist Bruce Brenneise about his work, the health crisis and how he is keeping in touch with his fellow artists and how he felt being a winner in Writers And Illustrators of the Future helped his career;




I had a great time chatting with screenwriter and author; Paul Coyle, we talked about writing spec scripts, getting start as teleplay writer for TV and his work for shows like Crazy Like A Fox and Xena. Now he is an author with a new book about his career is coming out very soon;


I had a lovely chat with author Stacy Tudor about writing, creativity and how important it is do what makes you happy and become as creative as you can ;





Treasure Chest by Rithebard – Miss Fisher and the Crypt of Tears (2020), Miss Fisher’s Murder… via @ao3org

(Picture is from trailer) This is about the movie with a quirk, it has Ivy in it from my fan fic series. The idea came to me and I just had to scribble it down.

Warning spoilers! Warning spoilers! Warning spoilers!


Chatting With Sherri chats with the cast of; Joe Kronus; Capture The Kaiser!!!! It’s a Sequel of the hit radio-play which takes off where part one ended. Does Terrence get his revenge? Does Joe save the day? listen to the cast chat about on March 15, 2020 at 7pm pt;


Murder and Mendelssohn (Phryne Fisher, #20)Murder and Mendelssohn by Kerry Greenwood

I really enjoyed this adventure, it was fun getting to see Phryne take on a Sherlock Holmes type and really showing him that he had it all wrong. We meet her dear friend from the war who she comforts and is there for when he needs her. We get to find about her spy days and meet some of the spooks of her past. Of course, the framework is the choir, which of course Phryne joins to figure out who was the killer. And it was lovely to have so much of Jack Robinson in it, her favorite detective and her dear friend in the books. (In this book more then others that I have read he is closer to the Jack Robinson of the TV series. Especially when it comes to food.)

View all my reviews

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Filed under A Time Travel radio play, acting, Adrienne Wilkinson, Bert, blogs, blogtalk radio, books, Casting For Sherri's Playhouse, Cat's Pajama's, Chatting with Sherri, creative, Di Jack Robinson, entertainment, Eric Paul Erickson, Essie Davis, Eve/Livia, Everett Robert, Everett Robert’s Murder At Home, fan fiction, Fandom, Interviews, Joe Kronus Capture The Kaiser, Mary D Brooks, Miss Fisher & the Crypt of Tears, Miss Fisher Murder Mysteries, Miss Fisher Murder Mysteries Fan Fiction, Miss Fisher; Crypt of Tears, movies, Nathan Page, Paul Coyle, Phryne Fisher, play Cat's Pajama, plays, radio play, reviews, screenwriting, Sherri Rabinowitz, Sherri's Playhouse, The Widgie Knight, theater, Travis McMahon, tv, Widgie Knight, Writers & Illustrators of the Future, writing, xena

The Chatty Award and upcoming Book Fair!

The Chatty is back!

The Chatty Award 2019;
Live Listen winner this year is;
Adrienne Wilkinson! Thank you to all the listeners who takes the time out of their day to listen to us. Thank you so much to all my guests for coming on my show live, for giving us the time and your wonderful stories!

Downloads top five nominations; You can still vote for best download just go to and listen to your favorite show. These nominees are not in order, I will not let you know who is the winner till January.

Thank you to all my guests for coming on my show and all my listeners who take the time to check out the different shows. Thank you.

With out further ado, here are the nominees;

Nathan Page (Picture by (c) sam mcadam-cooper )





Anthony Sharpe




Dr. Colleen Darnell




Brice Bexter





Mary D Brooks and Steven L Sears





#NathanPage made the top of the list!


Last time;

Chatting With Sherri we welcome Hugo nominated editor; Bryan Thomas Schmidt, we chatted about books, inspiration and the process of writing;




Chatting With Sherri welcomes back talented author; Nicholas Diak, we had a fun time talking about pop culture, movies and his latest endeavors;




Chatting With Sherri welcomes award winning author; David Farland, we chatted about helping other writers reach their potential, a very interesting chat;



Chatting With Sherri welcomes back author Judith Marshall, this was all about the beginning writer and how you get your little toe in the door;




Next time;

Chatting With Sherri Welcomes back author; Mitzi Szereto on 11/12/2019  at 1:00 PM PT;




Chatting With Sherri welcomes author; Kiel C. Barnekov on 11/14/2019  at 1:00 PM PT;




Authors who would like to take part in my Book Fair this year please send me a message to let me know. I will need pictures of your books and sell links as well a very short description of each book. No more then three books per author please. Thanks 🙂

I love the show; My Life is Murder I have been a fan of Lucy Lawless since the Xena days following her career, going to cons and going to singing performances, she is such a talented lady! I really hope this show is renewed!

Five Complete Miss Marple Novels: The Mirror Crack’d, A Caribbean Mystery, Nemesis, What Mrs. McGillicuddy Saw!, The Body in the Library by Agatha Christie

Well, I had read all the Miss Marple books in this volume before, but the first thing that struck me was that the order of the books made no sense. The Mirror Crack’d first, makes no sense at all, since the volume includes The Body in the Library which came first. What Mrs. McGillicudy Saw was also set and written before the first book. I am not sure what the publishers were thinking.

The stories are all brilliant and I enjoyed re-reading the books. I always enjoy Miss Marple and reading these books I found I forgotten parts or replaced them in my mind with adaptions in TV or movies.

The one I enjoyed a lot and forgotten the most was Nemesis. I think I had read the book once or twice but I had completely replaced it in my mind with the adaptions which all have a nephew accompanying her but in the book she went alone. And the Professor was far more involved in the story then in the adaptions.

I know that one stop shops are not really that popular because of the order the books are placed but it is also a way to have several of one of your favorite authors at your fingertips. So I do recommend it.

View all my reviews

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Filed under Adrienne Wilkinson, Agatha Christie, Anthony Sharpe, archaeology, Awards, blogs, blogtalk radio, book fair, books, Brice Bexter, Captain Templeton, Chatting with Sherri, creative, Di Jack Robinson, Dr. Colleen Darnell, entertainment, Fandom, Interviews, Lucy Lawless, Mary D Brooks, movies, My Life is Murder, Nathan Page, reviews, sam mcadam-cooper, screenwriting, Sherri Rabinowitz, Steven L Sears, The Chatty Award, tv, writing, xena, Xena Courage That Changed The World

Sherri’s Playhouse is back!

Sherri’s Playhouse presents a very short tiny play called Dowry! It was originally for an under 10 minute play writing contest. But it was so personal and special I decided to do it on Sherri’s Playhouse. It is a very short re-imagining of the founding of my family in the US. It was a very personal project and I am very interested in chatting with my cast about bringing the stories of my Grandma to life;  Tonight I presented on  Sherri’s Playhouse a very short tiny play called Dowry ;

I chatted with some wonderful guests;

Chatting With Sherri welcomes author; Joe Spraga, we had a fun chat about writing and inspiration;


Chatting With Sherri welcomes Jacqueline M. Dodd an attorney who advocates for children, we had a great talk about how she helps others and how it all started;


Chatting With Sherri welcomes back; Shaquita Smith, we talked about her new films, and how she loves to direct and write films and where she gets her inspiration  ;


Chatting With Sherri welcomes Writers of the Future winner; Carrie Callahan.  We had a lovely chat about her story and how she felt winning the Writers of The Future award;


Chatting With Sherri welcomes back author; Kaaron Warren, we chatted about writing and what books we love. It was a lot of fun ;

Chatting With Sherri welcomes author; Crystal Westman, we chatted about her new book which is about a woman’s epic journey.  It sounded great ; 

And coming up;

Chatting With Sherri welcomes back award nominated author; RM Alexander  7/20/19 2pm pt;

Chatting With Sherri welcomes author; A L Walker on 7/21/19 at 4pm pt;

Your Tweets earned 6,113 impressions over the last week;
For my show with Mary D Brooks and  Steven L Sears about; Xena Their Courage Changed Our World!
My chat with the talented young actor; Brice Bexter who plays Captain Templeton in Miss Fisher & the Crypt of Tears!
My chat with actor and author; Robert Trebor about his acting career and his new book; The Haircut Who Would Be King.

The Enchanted AprilThe Enchanted April by Elizabeth von Arnim
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really needed to re-read this charming fairy tale of love. Four very diverse women come together to escape London in the a very dark and dreary winter, and their domestically difficult situations. Two young wives who feel separated and unloved by their husbands. A middle aged woman who felt old and elderly before her time and as though she belonged in the Victorian world and not the modern world of the 1920’s. A titled, amazingly beautiful, over petted and utterly miserable young woman who felt that love being taken from her once she wanted nothing to do with it again.

All four are vibrant intelligent women who are just waiting for adventure and maybe if they are lucky love. So they escape in spring to Italy, to a beautiful small castle on a hill. Full of flowers and beauty. And there they all go through their own inner growth. I won’t tell you how it works out for them but each of them surprise themselves and each other.


The Secret of Chimneys (Superintendent Battle, #1)The Secret of Chimneys by Agatha Christie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have read this before a long time ago but to be very honest the only thing I remembered was Lady Eileen “Bundle” Brent and her father Lord Caterham. So re-reading it I find that I am much more intrigued by really the lead of the story; Anthony Cade, British-educated adventurer, down on his luck when the novel opens; 32 years old, and 14 years since he was last in England. He is really very interesting, smart, kind, funny, a decent guy. Yet he is a man of action, he can climb trees, fight bad guys and protect people. Sort of a down to earth swashbuckler, with a good heart.

The novel starts when Anthony is working as a tour guide in South Africa and runs into an old friend, James McGrath, a Canadian an old friend from school days. He has a really adventurous time and saved two people so he has two things he has to do in London, but he love to hunt gold so he asks his old buddy Anthony to do it. I won’t tell you the intricacies of the script I don’t want to spoil it for you.

Meanwhile back in good old London is a towering self important bore of a politician; The Honourable George Lomax, of the Foreign Office. He has brow beat poor Lord Caterham into having people down to his country estate Chimneys. It is a place that has seen a lot of history but all he wants is peace and quiet to work on his hobbies. Well it is not going to happen it is arranged. Poor Bill Eversleigh, who works for George Lomax and is one of the house party, he is an old friend of Bundles but he is in love with; Virginia Revel, cousin of George Lomax, daughter of a peer, society beauty and young widow of Timothy Revel, former British envoy to Herzoslovakia; she is 27 years old. Well she doesn’t want to go either but George pushes her to go so she makes the best of it.

Then Anthony and Virgina meet under difficult conditions, again don’t want to give the plot away but they become friend very quickly to protect Virgin who may be in more trouble then she realized.

Well they meet at the beautiful country estate and of course there is murder, mayhem, love, betrayal and general confusion, very entertainingly done. There are some super big surprises in this one. Definitely worth a read.

The Seven Dials MysteryThe Seven Dials Mystery by Agatha Christie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

In the last days of renting the estate Chimneys, Sir Oswald and Lady Coote host a party including Gerry Wade, Jimmy Thesiger, Ronny Devereux, Bill Eversleigh and Rupert “Pongo” Bateman, Sir Oswald’s secretary. Gerry Wade has a bad habit of oversleeping. The others plan a joke on Gerald by placing eight alarm clocks in his room and timing them to go off at intervals the next morning. The alarms are heard but Wade is not awake. The poor young man died.

Lord Caterham and his daughter Lady Eileen “Bundle” Brent move back into Chimneys. The coroner gives a verdict of Death by Misadventure for Gerry. Bundle, who adores Bill Eversleigh, puzzles over this event. She is not thrilled to find out that Gerry died in her room; she finds an unfinished letter from Gerry to Loraine dated the day before he died. He asks Loraine to forget about that Seven Dials business. She is even more puzzled and wonders if this Seven Dials business is the reason for the death of Gerry. So Bundle goes off to London to see Bill. She drives a car just like Phryne Fisher’s and with the same speed and skill and on the way, a man steps out of a hedge and into the road. Bundle misses him but he collapses anyway, muttering about “Seven Dials…Tell… Jimmy Thesiger.” Then he dies.

The next day Bundle reaches London and gets Jimmy’s address from Bill. She tells Loraine Wade and Jimmy of Ronny’s death. Bundle tells the other two of the warning letter that George Lomax received. Lomax is hosting a house party the following week at his house at Wyvern Abbey; Jimmy and Bundle get themselves invited by very different but clever means.

Bundle visits Superintendent Battle at Scotland Yard; he is being very mysterious but he does hint to Bundle that Bill knows something about Seven Dials. According to Bill, Seven Dials is a seedy nightclub and gambling den and Bundle insists he takes her there. In the club, Bundle recognizes the doorman as a footman from Chimneys. Bundle returns to the Seven Dials club and questions Alfred, the footman. He tells her that he left Chimneys for far higher wages offered by Mosgorovsky, owner of the club. Further, Mosgorovsky sends a replacement for Alfred at Chimneys, John Bauer. Alfred takes her into a secret room with a table and seven chairs. She hides in a cupboard in the room and witnesses a meeting. They wear masks with eye slits and clock faces on the hoods, each clock showing a different time. The only clue to identity is that one woman has a mole on her exposed shoulder blade.

Bundle and Jimmy arrive at Wyvern Abbey and are introduced to the Cootes, Sir Stanley Digby the Air Minister, Terence O’Rourke, and the Hungarian Countess Radzky. Superintendent Battle is there, disguised as a waiter, which Bundle finds very amusing but he is as formidable as ever. Bill Eversleigh is there as staff of Mr Lomax. Jimmy and Bill agree to keep watch, changing over at 3.00 am. Bundle and Loraine are both told to let the boys handle it, with the result they both find ways to sneak in. Really, Bill should know better!!!

Bundle, acting alone, changes her clothes and climbs down the ivy outside her room. She runs into Superintendent Battle, on his own watch outside, he tells her that he is aware of everything she has found out and to leave the lady with the mole alone. He persuades her to go back. She does so, and then checks on Jimmy in the hall. Finding him gone, she goes to Bill’s bedroom but finds that she has erred and is in the Countess’s empty room. Bundle hears a tremendous struggle in the library, and two gunshots. Apparently the bad guy fought with Jimmy and shot him as he escaped.

Bill goes to Jimmy’s London flat. Ronny Devereux’s executors have sent him a letter written by Ronny, and Bill is amazed. Jimmy rings up Bundle and Loraine and tells them to meet him and Bill at the Seven Dials club, Bill’s story being “the biggest scoop of the century.” Loraine reports that there is something wrong with Bill. They find him unconscious in the car. Then someone knocks Bundle unconscious. She comes round in Bill’s arms, where she stays comfortably cuddled in his arms, with her eyes closed, as Bill finally tells her how he feels about her, thinking her unconscious.

And that is all I am going to tell you. Because that would be spoilers of what is really going on in this rather wild plot. It is a fun tale, it sort of reminds me of the first Tommy and Tuppence story. I highly recommend it.

View all my reviews

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Filed under "Xena: Their Courage Changed Our World" , A L Walker, acting, Agatha Christie, Arielle Strauss, blogs, blogtalk radio, books, Brice Bexter, Captain Templeton, Chatting with Sherri, creative, Dowry, entertainment, events, Interviews, Jacqueline M. Dodd, Joe Spraga, Kaaron Warren, Liz Elliot, Mary D Brooks, Mishpucha, Miss Fisher & the Crypt of Tears, movies, plays, radio play, Raymond Brent, reviews, RM Alexander, RM Alexander , Robert Trebor, screenwriting, Shaquita Smith, Sherri Rabinowitz, Sherri's Playhouse, Steven L Sears, theater, tv, writers of the future, writing, xena

An exciting week!

Special offer for new Patreons; come and mingle with the cast of one of our radio plays, you get to chat with the actors and ask questions.!




We’re On Our Way: Short story by Sherri Rabinowitz
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
kind of cool my short story went up in two categories!
#79 in 15-Minute Literature & Fiction Short Reads
#40 in 15-Minute Mystery, Thriller & Suspense Short Reads



Last time on Chatting With Sherri;

I was so happy to chat with E.D.Brown the creator and star of SIDETRACKED!  We had a lot of fun chatting about acting and creating a film like this and how much it all means to her; 




I was so delighted to chat with the charming Brice Bexter, we talked about his small but pivotal role in the  Miss Fisher movie and working on Good Omens!  We also chatted about all the new independent films he has made and training at The actors Studio ;




It is always a joy to chat with my friend the  award winning author; Lee Murray!  We talked about her adventures at cons, winning great literary honors and her newest books;





I had a such a good time talking to rock singer and songwriter ; Ray Dafrico we talked about his music, how he created his music and what he is up to now;






I had such a good time talking to Mary D Brooks and Steven L Sears about; Xena: Their Courage Changed Our World! Not only are they dear friends but they are two of the most supportive people I know. We talked about how special Xena fandom is, how much good it has done and how it has touched thousands of lives in many different ways ;

A new project I am proudly taking part in;


Next time on Chatting With Sherri;


Chatting With Sherri welcomes author; Joe Spraga on 6/18/19 at 1pm pt;




Chatting With Sherri welcomes Jacqueline M. Dodd an attorney who advocates for children on 6/20/19 at 1pm pt;





Spirit of a Dandelion Petal

— Sherri Rabinowitz

Such a pretty flower,

It looks like any other,

But when one blows gently,

It flies apart, sensationally!

You want to cry,

It is a tragedy, but no, as you see the petals part,

you give an amazed start!

Because each petal is itself,

an individual,

whole and complete,

a dream like spirit that

flies its own path.

Each petal is an angel of beauty,

Fluttering in its own very short flight,

to freedom.

To check out my poetry and more;



Absent in the SpringAbsent in the Spring by Mary Westmacott
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a very good book, very gripping. I am not sure why this book is under the category of romance, they are gripping, searing personal dramas. Agatha ripped the facade that this woman erected around herself, it is done slowly, plotted very naturally. It so gripping I could not stop reading it, even though it is very disturbing. The desert in the story reminds me of a police integration room with the spotlight centered on the suspect. Except there is no suspect, just a human being stripped bare to find her own inner core. This does not really give any plot points away, it is just my reaction to it, (other then effect of the desert on her,) you need read it to find out what she finds out and how she reacts to it. It certainly made me cry and react. I wonder it if it will do the same to you?

Dorothy L. Sayers: The Complete StoriesDorothy L. Sayers: The Complete Stories by Dorothy L. Sayers
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I enjoyed re-reading this delightful collection.

Of course is The Lord Peter Wimsey stories that I had never read before the first time I read it and the wonderful stories of married life of Harriet and Peter. As always Peter solves all the various puzzles with aplomb.

I had never even heard of the Montague Egg stories. They are adorable. Egg is a traveling wine and spirits salesman who runs into all sorts of mysteries mysteries as he makes his sales calls. “The salesman who will use his brains will spare himself a world of pains,” and with this book he solves very puzzling mysteries.

I’m not really that big a fan of the last group of stories of stand alones, they’re much darker than the Wimseys and the Eggs and they are not my cup of tea but they are very well written of course.

I really like Sayers style, the puzzles are always fun and the humor is full of wit and fun. Great read!

View all my reviews

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Filed under "Xena: Their Courage Changed Our World" , Absent in the Spring by Mary Westmacott, acting, Agatha Christie, blogs, blogtalk radio, books, Brice Bexter, Chatting with Sherri, creative, Dorothy L. Sayers: The Complete Stories by Dorothy L. Sayers, E.D.Brown, Good Omens, Interviews, Joe Spraga, Lee Murray, Mabel Of The Anazacs, Mary D Brooks, Mary Westmacott, Miss Fisher Murder Mysteries, Miss Fisher; Crypt of Tears, movies, paetrons, plays, poetry, radio play, Ray Dafrico, reviews, screenwriting, Sherri Rabinowitz, Sherri's Playhouse, SIDETRACKED, Special offer for new Patreons, Spirit of a Dandelion Petal, Steven L Sears, theater, tv, We're On Our Way, Writers & Illustrators of the Future, writing, xena, Xena Courage That Changed The World

Mabel is tops, my childrens books and great interviews!!!


Our radio play from last year, Mabel of the ANZACS by Mary Dee is once again tops in entertainment on Blogtalk! Isn’t that cool! Anticipation for part two maybe? We are now hard at work on Mabel of the Anzacs, Part 2.


If you are interested in taking a part in one of our shows, please send me a note please.



We had an interesting time on”Children’s Book Authors Visit Madame Perry’s Salon” due technical difficulties the host could not get in, so I was connecting with her via text and sub hosted, not expected but fun.  And I made two new friends.  We chatted about our children’s books and just dealing with being a published author;




Chatting With Sherri welcomed new writer; Andrew Dykstal, we had a great talking about inspiration, working through as a writer, how to find your way and his experience winning the Writers of The Future contest;




I was so excited to chat with writer; Buzz Dixon and we had super time!  We talked about movies and TV, his experience in the industry, what inspired to enter into which is really cool story.  It was so much fun I almost forgot we had a time limit, listen in ;

Coming up;


Tomorrow on Chatting With Sherri we welcome back the multi-talented Julie Sharpe 4/06/19 7 pm pt;



Next week;

Chatting With Sherri welcomes back author; Mitzi Szereto on 4/9/19 at 1pm pt;




Chatting With Sherri welcomes award-winning artist Jeff Sturgeon on 4/11/19  at 1pm pt;





Unfinished PortraitUnfinished Portrait by Mary Westmacott
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was such a difficult story to read because I knew it was based on Agatha Christie herself, her own life and feelings. And how Archie Christie truly hurt her so deeply in the end, at the worst time he could possible do it. Also how he just seemed to be blind to anything but his own thoughts and feelings. It really tore at my heart.

There is a strange connection between “Unfinished Portrait”, a Harley Quin short story called; “Man from The Sea” and “Towards Zero. ” I read them one after another. They all have a suicide attempt that is stopped, in two of the stories the place for it is exactly the same and in two of the stories, the same philosophy against suicide is the same. Has anyone else pondered this? I never read it in an article or a book about Christie.

I thought it very interesting too, that she incorporated her own nightmare of the gun man, and the interesting twist she gave it. I will not add any spoilers to this review but if you want to know how Agatha Christie felt about what happened to her in 1926, this is the book to read.



If You Ask Me (And of Course You Won't)If You Ask Me by Betty White
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is such a delightful book, full of warmth and wit. It is like hearing Betty talking to you, replying to your questions in person. Lovely.


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Filed under A Kitty's View, acting, Agatha Christie, Anja Gruber, Anthony and Julie Sharpe, Anti Bullying Book, blogs, blogtalk radio, books, Buzz Dixon, cats, Chatting with Sherri, children's book, creative, Different Is Beautiful, entertainment, Interviews, Julie Sharpe, Mabel Of The Anazacs, Mary D Brooks, movies, plays, radio play, reviews, screenwriting, Sherri Rabinowitz, Sherri's Playhouse, Towards Zero by Agatha Christie , tv, Writers & Illustrators of the Future, writing

New Season of Sherri’s Playhouse begins!!!

We have started to rehearse the new season of Sherri’s Playhouse which is always exciting the first play up is; Mabel of the Anzacs, Part 2.

If you are interested in taking a part in one of our shows, please send me a note please.


A fun and touching episode with Chris York last week on my Mom’s Birthday made the tops on Blogtalk, that means so much to me.  Thank you all for tuning in to me and Chris talk about his great Dad, Bewitched star Dick York and my Mom.


Chatting With Sherri welcomed back Chris York, we had such a super time today! We talked about his dad, his dad’s friends and a really super and uplifting chat;




Chatting With Sherri welcomed Rebel physician and author of wtf* is wrong with our health? (*what the food) ; Roberto Tostado. We talked about how eating  is a lifestyle and not just a diet and how he started writing as a kid;



I welcomed back the always delightful Adrienne Wilkinson! We talked about our childhood adventures, and how we were as kids.  We chatted about her new movie and the Xena retreat and so much  more…



I welcomed back two very talented and fun people, Brittney Powell and Tom Konkle! We had so much fun chatting, Brittney and Tom are doing so much, they are both making movies, promoting Trouble Is My Business and poor Brittney was sick. And they won awards for the movie too, it’s a really exciting so tune in;


Coming soon;

Chatting With Sherri welcomes back delightful author Lynne Constantine 3/26/19 at 1 pm pt;





Chatting With Sherri welcomes back the multi-talented Julie Sharpe 4/06/19 7 pm pt;





New book review;


Towards Zero (Superintendent Battle, #5)Towards Zero by Agatha Christie 
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I can’t believe that I owned this book and I have never read it before. I loved it! It had me looping back and forth between every character in the house. But I never guessed the killer. I think it was a fascinating study in psychology by the great Agatha Christie. The clues were there, the little slips but they seemed so normal that I did not pick them up.

Also I really enjoyed the two romances in the book that were not central to murder, I was happy that Mary had some romance, finally.

Also the man at the beginning of the book who you can’t really figure out what his part in it is till it is revealed. I think he is my favorite character for many reasons that I can’t reveal or it will give it away. But I really, really like him.

Also I find it interesting that Agatha Christie’s view on suicide that she had in The Harley Quin’s short story “The Man From The Sea,” is repeated here. And it really touched me both times, quite beautiful.

View all my reviews

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Filed under acting, Adrienne Wilkinson, Agatha Christie, Arielle Strauss, Bewitched, blogs, blogtalk radio, books, Brittney Powell, Casting For Sherri's Playhouse, Chatting with Sherri, chris loomis, Chris York, creative, Dick York, entertainment, Jen Gray, Julie Sharpe, Mabel Of The Anazacs, Mary D Brooks, plays, radio play, Raymond Brent, screenwriting, Shaun Ritter, Sherri Rabinowitz, Sherri's Playhouse, theater, Tom Konkle, Towards Zero by Agatha Christie , tv, Wendy Pumarlo Richmeier, writing, xena, xena con

A lot happening!

I  appeared at Condor this weekend, I played Joe Kronus for an audience on Sunday, it was amazing to see their reaction to my play in person.  They liked it, it was so exciting! And they wanted the site to listen to it again!!!



I have started to cast the new season of Sherri’s Playhouse which is always exciting and challenging, if you are interested in taking part please send me a note please.



I am also excited to announce that I have a new sponsor for Chatting With Sherri; The Writers & Illustrators of the future provides “a means for new and budding writers to have a chance for their creative efforts to be seen and acknowledged.”



Coming soon to Chatting With Sherri;



I am so happy to welcome back the always charming; Adrienne Wilkinson 3/14 19 at 7pm pt ;




Chatting With Sherri welcomes back; Brittney Powell and Tom Konkle on 3/16/19 at 7pm pt;







Great chats with;

I had a lovely time chatting with author; Jeff Crawford!  We talked about writing, sequels and how we adjusted to the times ;


I had a nice chat with author; Martin L. Shoemaker, we talk about writing, books and breaking into writing and find your niche.  Listen in ; 



I had a great time chatting with my friend award-nominated author; Robin Alexander we chatted about writing, reading, good books, wonderful authors and the influences that brought about her wonderful series;

I had such a wonderful chat award-winning film-maker; Tom Konkle! We talked about his journey bringing his dream to life.  The importance of black and white films, the wonders of film making and what an interesting journey going to film festivals;

Great Month of Guests for CWS and casting for Sherri’s Playhouse!



The Thirteen Problems (Miss Marple, #2)The Thirteen Problems by Agatha Christie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

There is something special about this introduction of Agatha Christie’s second great sleuth; Miss Marple. Introduced through a series of short stories that allows you to truly get to know her. Her intelligence, compassion and humor. Her sweet expression belied by her sharp blue eyes as she sits quietly knitting almost forgotten by the others in the room. Even when she says she really had no idea what the solution was, she really did. Some people don’t enjoy reading short stories but I always have. It helps you to learn all the different sides of characters. And it teaches you just what an art the creating of a short story truly is and Agatha Christie was genius at it.

View all my reviews



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Filed under A Time Travel radio play, acting, Adrienne Wilkinson, Agatha Christie, Awards, blogs, blogtalk radio, books, Brittney Powell, Casting For Sherri's Playhouse, Chatting with Sherri, Chatting With Sherri, Condor, creative, entertainment, he Writers & Illustrators of the future, Interviews, Joe Kronus!!!, movies, paetrons, plays, portraits, radio play, reviews, RM Alexander, screenwriting, Sherri Rabinowitz, Sherri's Playhouse, sponsor, The Thirteen Problems, theater, Tom Konkle, Trouble Is My Business, tv, writing

New shows of Chatting With Sherri’s new 7th Season!

Ri by Anja Gruber

 A long, long time ago I wrote a fan fiction story for Star Trek and I created a character called Ri Ratan,  I sent the story to my friend Anja and asked her to do some pictures for it and for Ri she drew me.  Ri became my pen name and the rest is history. (Above is the original sketch.) 

Tomorrow on Chatting With Sherri Welcomes back Australian Actress; Kate Lister  at 6pm pt;




Chatting With Sherri welcomed back multi-talented; Steven L Sears, we had so much fun chatting about his work, writing and new projects he has coming up.  It was a lot of fun, listen in; 



Chatting With Sherri chatted with award-winning writer; Wulf Moon, we had a great talk about his journey of writing and finally winning his award from The Writers of The Future.  It is a very touching interview;

 Chatting With Sherri welcomed back part of an amazing writing team; Vicky Wood Knerly, we had so much fun talking about her writing, books and how they work together.  And some of the great stuff that is coming up, tune in;
Update on Time Passes;  The Major is brought into family party and gets a surprise of his own;

Come, Tell Me How You LiveCome, Tell Me How You Live by Agatha Christie Mallowan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is such a fun book, I read it quickly. I love learning how the archaeology worked back then and the way they explored Syria and how much fun and adventure they had.

Now to start with the tough stuff; If you read books written long ago, one thing you have to learn is to accept that they will be filled with prejudices of the time. I don’t think that Agatha was really prejudiced, she truly loved Syria and the people there, but her way of expressing herself was of that time. If you read her novels you see how they change, they become more understanding, the way she describes people becomes more modern and less prejudiced. I believe that was because of her travels and her love of learning about new people and new things. It is a lesson I learned from traveling with my parents and then on my own, if you travel open-hearted with a sense of adventure, you learn about other people and cultures and you become a more rounded person.

I see a lot of evidence of it in Agatha Christie’s writings. And I really enjoyed seeing the way Syria was way back then before the “IS” got a hold of it, and destroyed it. (which breaks my heart, I kept looking up the sites that Max was working on, to see if they were still there, most had been destroyed or mostly destroyed. His life’s work and the work of four generations of archaeologists destroyed. History does not just belong to one culture, it belongs to everyone, it is part of the historical record of the human species. To destroy it is just utterly heartless. A crime against humanity.

Now to the fun part; I loved her humor, how she made fun of herself and everyone else. The glimpse of the marriage between her and Max. The beauty of the places she went to, the marigolds, the wonderful clothes of the Kurd women, the sweetness of the people, the crazy scrapes the workers got into. The great descriptions of the archaeology at the time. (I have a lesser degree in archaeology and it was one of the reasons I really, really wanted to read this book, that plus my love of Agatha and my curiosity about Max.) The way the finds were split between the expositions and the people of the country they were in. Pretty fair really. (Not like the old days in the 1800’s where people just took stuff for their universities and museums without the permission of the country or the people. ) It is a fascinating read and I highly recommend it.

View all my reviews

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Filed under acting, Agatha Christie, Anja Gruber, blogs, blogtalk radio, books, Chatting with Sherri, creative, Di Jack Robinson, entertainment, fan fiction, Fandom, Gary Williams and Vicky Knerly!, Interviews, Kate Lister, Miss Fisher Murder Mysteries Fan Fiction, Phryne Fisher, screenwriting, Sherri Rabinowitz, Star Trek, Steven L Sears, The Chatty Award, theater, tv, writing