Category Archives: Ron Pullman

Mabel Of The Anzacs part 2 re-release!


Sherri’s Playhouse presents Mabel of the Anzacs 2 by Mary D. Brooks was broadcast last night, it was edited from the original broadcast, I would like to thank John Alsedek  and Ty Pickett for all the hard work editing and Mary D Brooks and the cast for the patience while we worked on it to make it better. To listen in to part two here is the link;


Chatting With Sherri welcomes music producer, song writer and musician Ron Pullman, we had a great chat about music, inspiration and helping others ;




Chatting With Sherri Welcomes back author; Mitzi Szereto, we had a great chat about writing, good books and inspiration;




Thursday on Chatting With Sherri author; Kiel C. Barnekov chats about his book, how he started writing and what inspired this new


Coming up next week;

Chatting With Sherri welcomes author Herb Stern on Nov. 26th at 1pm pt;




I saw the movie; Harriet, Harriet Tubman was one of my heros growing up here is my review; via @wordpressdotcom




Authors who would like to take part in my Book Fair this year please send me a message to let me know. I will need pictures of your books and sell links as well a very short description of each book. No more then three books per author please. Thanks 🙂


Downloads top five nominations; You can still vote for best download just go to and listen to your favorite show. These nominees are not in order, I will not let you know who is the winner till January.

Thank you to all my guests for coming on my show and all my listeners who take the time to check out the different shows. Thank you.

With out further ado, here are the nominees;

Nathan Page (Picture by (c) sam mcadam-cooper )





Anthony Sharpe




Dr. Colleen Darnell




Brice Bexter





Mary D Brooks and Steven L Sears





Dalai Lama on What Matters Most: Conversations on Anger, Compassion, and ActionDalai Lama on What Matters Most: Conversations on Anger, Compassion, and Action by Noriyuki Ueda

When I was in college I studied under a professor who was good friends with His Holiness, so when he came to the US, he spoke to our class. Our class was a senior class so it was tiny, “The Peoples Of India,” and our professor got some amazing speakers. So we were all excited to meet the Dalai Lama, but we thought of it as part of our class and no one was awe struck, as I heard from people who saw him at UCLA later during that same trip.

The man was a kind, with a beautiful smile, a great sense of humor and who explained his religion and the difficulties his people were having with China. He was real, down to earth, extremely knowledgeable and a delight. I really liked him and his brother who was his translator (though His Holiness spoke English very well.) They were both lovely and I have held that meeting as dear all these years later.

This book is a series of questions and answers, it is very interesting and gives a thorough understanding of Buddhism Beliefs for the layman such as myself. I really found it very thorough and interesting. But what I was missing in it was a sense of the person being interviewed. It was not all the dimensions of a brilliant man, and that did disturb me. But I learned a lot and found the little book most enlightening.

View all my reviews



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Filed under "Xena: Their Courage Changed Our World" , acting, Anthony Sharpe, Arielle Strauss, Awards, blogtalk radio, books, Brice Bexter, Chatting with Sherri, creative, Dr. Colleen Darnell, entertainment, Interviews, j'nae Rae Spano, John Alsedek , Kiel C. Barnekov, Mabel of  The Anzacs!, Mary D Brooks, Mitzi Szereto, movies, Nathan Page, plays, radio play, Raymond Brent, reviews, Ron Pullman, sam mcadam-cooper, Shaun Ritter, Sherri Rabinowitz, Sherri's Playhouse, Steven L Sears, theater, Ty Pickett, Wendy Pumarlo Richmeier