Monthly Archives: August 2019

Last month was really wonderful!

Writing deadlines take priority this month, I have kind of let them slide but they are now barreling down on me.

Speaking of my writing, my e-books are all on sale for the month of August! Get them while they last!









Casting for Sherri’s Playhouse and  new play being worked on… We have several plays coming up; a farce, A time travel story, The newest parts of Mabel of  The Anzacs, the second part o Joe Kronus…And here is my short tiny play called Dowry to enjoy while we work on the others ; 



I had a really fun chat with author Dr. Winfried Sedhoff about his book The Friendship Key.  It was interesting discussing how important friendship is and how it is imperative to our psyche to touch another soul;




I had so much fun chatting with the delightfully entertaining artist Jeff Sturgeon and producer/writer Steven L Sears about art, writing and a great new project, listen in ;





I spoke to author Scot Noel about his book, stories and his magazine DreamForge Magazine, we also talk about science, space exploration and positive science fiction;




Coming up;

Chatting With Sherri welcomes back photographer; Ian L Sitren   8/20/19 1pm pt;



Chatting With Sherri welcomes author Brenda E. Cortez  on 8/22/19 at 1pm pacific time;




Tops in Entertainment on Blogtalk;






#NathanPage #AnthonyJSharpe #MaryDBrooks and #StevenLSears









#NathanPage #AnthonyJSharpe #DrColleenDarnell


Tops on Twitter!

Tweet impressions 5,043







Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter, #1)Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I re-read this for the first time in a long time. I read the original about a year after it came out, and I loved it and gave to other family members. We were all hooked.

I love the movies very much and they are very faithful but it is texture and depth you can never really transfer to film. It is hard to convey the inner world of the characters. I found in reading it again that you can see how confused Harry is, how innocent and yet how brave with more understanding the books. Also their being quite British, the characters rarely show how they truly feel on the outside, you can see it in their eyes, because they are all wonderful actors, so you feel the depth and pain as you look into their eyes. But in a book, you feel it in your gut, it tears your heart out.

I lost my parents since I first read this book, I am not a child, and I was lucky to have my parents for a good majority of my life so I can’t compare to Harry’s pain. He never really knew his parents at all and slowly he gets to know them through others who did, through out the series that knowledge builds. He loves them even more deeply in the later books, but in this book, all he has ever known is their loss. And the ugly untrue rantings of a jealous sister and her cruel idiotic husband. These two people (“The worst muggles in the world!”) abused this baby for 10 years. He hadn’t known love since his parents died, so it is a miracle that he is full of love, kindness, and thoughtfulness. His parents are a part him despite his cruel upbringing from his horrid Aunt and Uncle. And the abuse he suffered from a spoiled, arrogant, egotistical bully of a cousin.

I love so many the characters first and foremost Harry, Ron and Hermione. I am the most like Hermione Granger I think, but because I am book worm and was always different. Still am. I remember only a few years ago a colleague from work and I went out to lunch. We had time so we went shopping and I picked out a necklace, she tilted her head and said, “It is like you, different.” Left handed compliments…sigh, they are something I learned to read early, so out of the three of them, I think I understand Hermione best.

But my favorite has always been Hagrid. He was just a sweet teddy bear, and I have always adored that kind of character. Sweet, kind, a gentle giant, full of a quiet hard earned wisdom, (though he was not book smart, he was life smart) I just adore him.

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Filed under A Kitty's View, acting, Anthony Sharpe, archaeology, blogs, blogtalk radio, books, Casting For Sherri's Playhouse, cats, Chatting with Sherri, Chatting With Sherri, children's book, children's books, creative, Di Jack Robinson, Different Is Beautiful, Dowry, Dr. Colleen Darnell, Ebook Sale, Entering My Second Half, entertainment, Global E-Books Award, Ian L. Sitren, Interviews, Jeff Sturgeon, Joe Kronus, Kindle Book Awards, Mabel Of The Anazacs, Mary D Brooks, Mishpucha, Miss Fisher & the Crypt of Tears, Miss Fisher Con, Miss Fisher Murder Mysteries, movies, Nathan Page, paetrons, Pets, photographer, Photos, plays, radio play, reviews, Sherri Rabinowitz, Sherri's Playhouse, Steven L Sears, theater, tv, Writers & Illustrators of the Future, writing, Xena Courage That Changed The World

An exciting time!

Sherri’s Playhouse presents a very short tiny play called Dowry! It was originally for an under 10 minute play writing contest. But it was so personal and special I decided to do it on Sherri’s Playhouse. It is a very short re-imagining of the founding of my family in the US. It was a very personal project and I am very interested in chatting with my cast about bringing the stories of my Grandma to life;  Then I presented it on  Sherri’s Playhouse a very short tiny play called Dowry ;


My poem in Flapper Press;

Broken — by Sherri Rabinowitz

Broken like a bird with a broken wing

Even a missing feather

The poor little thing can’t fly

I feel broken



Not able to fly

I am the bird with the broken wing

Broken Alone

Latest shows from Chatting With Sherri;

Chatting With Sherri welcomes back award nominated author, RM Alexander.  We had a chatted  about her new path, and new pen name, listen in ;



Chatting With Sherri welcomes author; A L Walker. We chatted about her about writing, inspiration and publishing;




Chatting With Sherri with Best-Selling author, Writers of the Future judge;  Dean Wesley Smith, and author, Writers of the Future winner,  Preston Dennett.  We had a lovely chat about how they met and persevered when all was against them, listen in ;


Chatting With Sherri welcomes back; Anthony J Sharpe best known for his part of Cec in Miss Fisher mysteries. We talked about the movies he has been very busy traveling around the world to make them.  And we chat about the movie too; Meanwhile check out his page Instagram .j.sharpe.official He is having a special Miss Fisher Pic Day!

Chatting With Sherri Welcomes back talented actor Nathan Page.  We talked about family, ecology, gardens and acting.  We chatted about his new movies, one was the new Daniel Radcliffe movie and the Miss Fisher film.  No plot points were given but a lot of color especially about Morocco which sounds intriguing;
Chatting With Sherri welcomes back Elizabeth Gracen! We chatted about her Flapper Press and how well it’s doing. And her  documentaries and the theater she has recently done, listen in ;
Chatting With Sherri chats with Egyptologist Dr. Colleen Darnell! This is a fun chat about one of my pet subjects, Egyptology.  We had a great time and talked about several very fasinating subjects including how Agatha Christie handled ancient Egypt in one of her novels, listen in ;

Death on the Nile (Hercule Poirot, #17)Death on the Nile by Agatha Christie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I re-read this book recently and I realized how complicated it was. Much more so then any of the televised versions of the book. The characters are not paper cut outs, there is depth here and she has to give a complete picture of what happens to the people who survive this fatal voyage.

I think that is the part I focused on this time, the survivors. What becomes of them. And in a time just before war what might happen to them. It seems such a happy pleasant ending for these survivors, but there are storm clouds brewing and she projects it into the book but very cleverly through characters you might not believe. Not because they are liars or don’t know what they are talking about but because they go on and on about it. I can see that today. The world is so crazy right now, people are worried and they are passionate about it and I don’t blame them. But I have friends, who I truly respect, but they only talk about the problems, when I quietly asked, “What can we do about it?” They reply, “we need to fight it.” I agree, but it is straining to hear them go on and not have one idea in their head on how to fix it. So she uses that to project, so its there, yet you’re not taking it seriously. Its ingenious, really.

Also this time, I really looked at the first victim more closely, she is basically a good person but she had been given everything on a platter all her life and everyone scrambles to jump to do what she says. It has made her grow arrogant and rather full of herself. She has no idea what down to earth means, she has never been exposed to it.

I also believe reading between the lines, that she has always been something of beau snatcher. Her ex-friend, now arch enemy basically states she would do what she did and that it had always been a part of the plan. An intricate part of the plan, if she does not steal her fiancee then the plan would not work.

Also poor Rosalie, she has this tough life with her mother, then she falls for an unavailable man. I mean really, it takes Poirot to point out to him that he loves her. I hope that one works out for her, but I am not sure, he does not seem to be able to think for himself. I always hope for lovers.

Anyway, these are my theories and ideas about the plot. On my I don’t know how many re-reads. I hope it gives you some pause to say, hmmm, I didn’t think of that. 🙂

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A really interesting month!

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Filed under acting, Agatha Christie, Anthony Sharpe, blogtalk radio, Broken — by Sherri Rabinowitz, Casting For Sherri's Playhouse, Chatting with Sherri, Chatting With Sherri, creative, Di Jack Robinson, Dowry, Elizabeth Gracen, entertainment, flapper press, Interviews, Mishpucha, Miss Fisher & the Crypt of Tears, Miss Fisher Con, Miss Fisher Murder Mysteries, Miss Fisher; Crypt of Tears, movies, Ms Fisher Modern Mysteries, Nathan Page, paetrons, Phryne Fisher, plays, poetry, radio play, reviews, sam mcadam-cooper, Sherri Rabinowitz, Sherri's Playhouse, theater, tv, Writers & Illustrators of the Future, writers of the future, writing