Tag Archives: The Time Machine

Special Blog Book Tour Edition

This is a special edition of my blog, I am taking part in a Blog Book Tour. Sounds interesting doesn’t it?


1) What is the working title of your book?

Fantasy Time Inc.
2) Where did the idea come from for your book?

For a long time I worked as a travel agent and daydreaming one day I thought it would be interesting to send people back in time instead of to Hawaii. I also remember a show from when I was a kid where a woman was asked where she went on vacation and she said that she went around the world but next year she was going somewhere else. Ding! An idea was born.
3) What genre does your book fall under?

Time Travel/ Fantasy/ Romance
4) Which actors would you choose to play in your movie rendition?

I think that Anne Hathaway would make a great Dr. Anne Ross. She is beautiful and very smart perfect for the part. And for Captain Morgan I think the most dashing choice would be  Hugh Jackman .
5) What is the one sentence synopsis of your book?

6) Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?

Can’t find an agent who will help me so I am doing everything all by myself.
7) How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?

About three months.
What other books would you compare this story to?

That is hard because there is such a different twist to it. I guess the closest to it would be The Time Machine.
9) Who or what inspired you to write the book?

This book was inspired by my own warped imagination and my love of history.
10) What else about your book might pique the readers interest?

There is a lot of romance in it. There is a little something for everyone because there are three different romantic threads.

You can find my book (a wonderful present for the holidays) at the wonderful book dealers below;IMG_9195

Amazon Kindle edition;  http://www.amazon.com/Fantasy-Time-Inc-ebook/dp/B006BFWSNA

Amazon Paperback edition; http://www.amazon.com/Fantasy-Time-Inc-Sherri-Rabinowitz/dp/143275811X/ref=tmm_pap_title_0

Barnes and Noble; http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/fantasy-time-inc-sherri-rabinowitz/1022333494

Next week these lovely writers will be writing their own entry into The Blog Book Tour on Dec. 12th!

Gabriel Beyers for his book, Predatory Animals!   http://www.gabrielbeyers.blogspot.com/

Sarah Baethge for her book, The Speed of Darkness! http://sarahbaethge.blogspot.com/ 

Please check out my friend Southern Author for her blog; http://tracykauffman.blogspot.com


Filed under blog Tour, creative, entertainment, writing