Tag Archives: Patricia Frischer of the San Diego Visual Arts Network

Great Week for Chatting With Sherri!


Happy Anniversary!



Steven L  Sears returns for his second interview on Chatting With Sherri. He has been such a great supporter and patron. I so appreciate his talent, his kindness and his help.  Steven returns to my show to chat about his graphic novel that he and Kevin J. Andesteven in cover for gnrson created called Stalag-X. We talked about how he became involved with his first graphic novel and why he loves them. About the wonderful new book he is developing. We also chat about how to develop a character and some natural prejudices people have (including me) Please listen to; http://tobtr.com/s/5392293

Please check out these links;168_18160930182_8330_n



Here is the link to my last chat with the wonderful Steven Sears; http://www.blogtalkradio.com/rithebard/2012/09/18/chatting-with-sherri

My other guest this week was Patricia Frischer of the San Diego Visual Arts Network. She is an artist herself as well as a teacher.  Patricia Frischer Portrait high res (2)She chatted about the San Diego Art Prize at the Art San Diego Fair in Balboa Park.She explains what it is and2013 Art Prize composite head 300 dpi (2) how the artists qualify. It is a really informative interview for an exciting event!  Here is the website for the San Diego Visual Arts Network;http://www.sdvan.net/ For Patricia’s art please check out; www.DrawsCrowd.com . Please listen to our interview at; http://tobtr.com/s/5326977

This Tuesday Diane Williams joins us to chat about her book, Angels In Action on Chatting with Sherri 10/1/2013 10:30 AM PangelsDT. diane sigShe is  launching her unabridged edition of Angels in Action:  Stories to Inspire my inspirational book full of spiritual lessons and devotional reflections. I share seventeen incidents of divine intervention or angel moments that took place in my life. Her blog can be found at; mindofagoddess.wordpress.com Please be sure to listen in on Tuesday to Diane;  http://www.blogtalkradio.com/rithebard/2013/10/01/chatting-with-sherri .

xena in office chairMy Kitty Xena has written a new blog, please read it. It’s called; I Miss My Mommy When She Isn’t Home http://wp.me/p2Ljyb-V via @wordpressdotcom

Times Flies Cover!My friend Carpe created a beautiful cover for my fan fiction series Time Flies. I had to share it with you all 🙂

I am very excited to be taking part in the Conchord 25 on October 18th to 20th 2013. It will be at the Town and Country Resort. I 1002471_600038430030157_1318259393_nwill have a table for my book Fantasy Time Inc. I will also be taking part in my very first panel. Kind of cool, huh ? As soon as I get more info I will let you know. http://2013.conjecture.org/

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Filed under art, blogs, blogtalk radio, Conchord 25, Conchord 25, conventions, creative, entertainment, events, fan fiction, Fantasy Time Inc, fine art, movies, screenwriting, Stalag x, tv, writing, xena